Welcome LECOM Medical Students
We welcome LECOM medical students to UF Health St. Johns and specifically to UF Health Flagler Hospital. Our goal is to provide 3rd year and 4th year medical students with positive clinical rotation learning experiences at UF Health Flagler Hospital and other UF Health St. Johns facilities. UF Health St. Johns, including UF Health Flagler Hospital, maintains high expectations that all employees, medical staff, and students will exhibit the highest level of professionalism, interdependence with team members, collaboration, and accountability. To strongly support positive clinical rotation learning experiences, all students must complete a general online orientation and an in-person EMR orientation at UF Health Flagler Hospital before beginning a scheduled rotation. Please read About UF Health Flagler Hospital.
UF Health Flagler Hospital documents to be completed
Directions: The following documents are to be completed and emailed to celina.makowski@ufhealth.org by April 18, 2025
1. Personally Owned Device Access Request Form (print, complete, and submit for processing)
2.Information Services Confidentiality and Security Agreement (print, complete, and submit for processing)
3. Code of Conduct & Compliance booklet (read) Corporate Compliance Program Policy (read) Acknowledgement (print, complete, and submit for processing)
UF Health Flagler Hospital Onboarding Educational Modules:
Directions: After completing "About UF Health Flagler Hospital" activity module and submitting the above documents, read each of the following educational modules and complete and pass the accompanying post-test and/or acknowledgement by May 9, 2025.
1. Patient & Personal Safety Topics
a. National Patient Safety Goals (post-test and/or acknowledgement)
b. Infection Prevention (post-test and/or acknowledgement)
c. Bloodborne Pathogens (post-test and/or acknowledgement)
d. Safety Codes (post-test and/or acknowledgement)
e. UF Health Flagler Hospital Hurricane Plan (post-test and/or acknowledgement)
f. Miscellaneous Patient-related topics (post-test and/or acknowledgement)
2. Risk Management Topics
a. HIPAA and Patient Confidentiality (post-test and/or acknowledgement)
b. Guidelines for Personal Devices and Social Networking (post-test and/or acknowledgement)
c. Biohazard waste, Incident reporting, and Patient Evacuation (post-test and/or acknowledgement)
d. Information Systems Department Information Security & Privacy (post-test and/or acknowledgement)
3. Culture Topics
a. Cultural Competency (post-test and/or acknowledgement)
b. Harassment Awareness (post-test and/or acknowledgement)
4. Miscellaneous Topics
a. Other Important Information (post-test and/or acknowledgement)