Comfort Measures: A Meaningful Use Requirement
Michael DiBella, MD CMO; Michael Sanders, MD CMIO
June 12, 2012
The Health Information Technology Standards Panel (HITSP) decides standard content for reporting on clinical quality measures.
What is the Medicare/Medicaid EHR Incentive Program Final Rule?
Click here to view the document that specifies initial CMS criteria for hospitals in order to meet MU stage 1 eligibility.
What is the Standards and Certification Criteria Final Rule?
Meaningful Use (MU) Requirement: Comfort Measures:
- Comfort Care (Comfort Measures Only) - A range of interventions intended to provide relief of pain and/or suffering, control symptoms, reduce anxiety and provide comprehensive physical, psychological and spiritual support to patients. Such care is often referred to as "palliative" care - care which serves to relieve or alleviate without attempting to cure.
- Only a patient who is currently a DNR or who is being made a DNR at the time could also be placed in the "Comfort Measures Only" status.
- When determined by the attending physician, a "Comfort Measures Only" may be ordered. A workflow change will occur to consistently capture the order electronically within the EHR, to meet the standard of care definitions and MU requirements.