EMR Implementation Vision
It is our desire to implement an EMR which will link our community physicians with the hospital in such a way that all clinical staff will have immediate access to pertinent patient information not only at the point of care, but in whatever location they find themselves to be at that time. This will allow questions to be resolved as they arise, to respond to inquiries from the patient, the pharmacy, hospital staff or other clinicians who care for that patient.
While we recognize that this installation will be disruptive to current workflows, we intend to use this disruption to reengineer our workflows and increase the efficiencies of the healthcare we deliver. We also intend to eliminate the variations in how we deliver that healthcare which will lead us to increase the quality of the care we provide.
We also intend for all of our work to be guided by current clinical evidence which comes to us from the literature, current published society guidelines and Zynx evidence based data from their 1900 hospitals around the US.
Further, under emergency conditions, it is our intention to be able to provide access to vital patient information to non-Flagler Hospital physicians who need to care for one of our patients in a setting remote to the hospital or our state.
Finally, we envision providing a patient portal to allow our patients to view their results and engage them in participating in their care in a meaningful way.